February 27, 2025

How to Clean Cold Air Return Vents

cold air vents

The HVAC system in your home represents a significant investment, and you want it to last as long as possible. Your air conditioner is the only thing standing between the summer heat and your family’s comfort. You work hard to keep it in peak working condition. One job you need to complete that you may never heard about is cleaning your cold air return vents. Here’s a look at everything you need to know:

What Are Cold Air Return Vents?

The cold air return vents are responsible for moving cooled air from your living space back into the HVAC system. You’ll find these vents close to the floor, and they appear larger than your regular air vents. As with the other vents in your home, they can get inundated with dust, debris, and allergens already in your home. They can also be havens for pests and small rodents. You should clean your home’s cold air return vents every two to five years. 

What Are the Benefits of Keeping Cold Air Return Vents Clean?

When you clean your cold air return vents, you’ll enjoy many benefits. Clean vents can help keep your family more healthy by removing dirt, debris, and allergens that can get into your air. Your clean vents also help your air conditioner run more efficiently, which can lower your monthly utility bills, and they can also help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. Odors can get trapped in your vents. When you clean them, you’ll find that your home smells better. 

Signs It’s Time to Clean Your HVAC System’s Cold Air Return Vents

There’s a lot of time between two and five years, so you need a way to tell that it’s time to clean your cold air return vents. Don’t worry; there will be signs that it’s the right time to take care of this chore. Signs include:

  • Excessive dust buildup around the vents
  • Uneven airflow throughout your home
  • Soaring energy bills
  • A musty odor coming from the vents
  • Visible mold growth
  • Increased allergy symptoms in your family members
  • Pests like rodents or insects in the vents
  • Reduced airflow from vents even when the system runs properly

If you notice these signs, it’s time to get a professional opinion and hire a team to clean your vents to save you the work. 

Steps to Cleaning Your Cold Air Return Vents

If you’ve never cleaned your cold air return vents before, you might wonder if it’s a big hassle and exactly what you need to do. These are the steps you need to follow:

Turn Off Your Furnace

You don’t want your furnace to start running and blowing dust out onto the floor. Start the project by turning off the system. If you have other people in the home, you might consider going to your circuit breaker and turning it off from there. You can also let the other people in your home know what you’re doing and advise them that the air will be off for a little while. 

Take Off the Vent Covers

After you locate the cold air return vents in your home, you need to remove the covers. Cold air returns are typically screwed on, so you’ll need a screwdriver to take them off. Regular vents, on the other hand, usually pop off with a little force. However, some vent covers may have additional clips or fasteners, so check before attempting to remove them. If screws or clips are present, use a small bowl to store them safely while you clean out the vents.

Vacuum the Vents

For cleaning out your vents, you’ll need a wet vac or a traditional canister vacuum cleaner. While you can try to use one of the accessories for your upright vacuum cleaner, they usually aren’t large enough or have enough suction. Push the vacuum cleaner hose as deeply as you can into the vent and allow suction to continue for five to 10 minutes to get out as much dust as you can. 

Soak and Scrub the Vent Covers

Once you have the vent covers off, place them in a sink or tub filled with warm, soapy water. You might consider adding a degreaser for extra cleaning power. Let them soak for five to 10 minutes. Use a microfiber cloth to wash each cover and rinse them with cold water. If you notice any rust, apply a rust remover as needed. Dry them thoroughly before reinstalling.

Replace the Air Filter

Each HVAC system has a specific size air filter. You need to pull out the old air filter and replace it with a new one. If you already know the size of the air filter, you can buy one beforehand. Otherwise, you’ll need to get the size from your current air filter and go out and pick one up. You can find these at most big box stores and home improvement businesses. Simply place the new one back in the space where you took the old one.

Replace Covers and Clean Up

With everything cleaned and dried, it’s time to reinstall the vent covers. If they had screws or clips, secure them properly to ensure a snug fit. Once the covers are back in place, clean up any dust or debris around the vents and put away your cleaning supplies.

Partner With Crystal Clean Vents to Knock This Item Off Your To-Do List

With more than 28 years of industry experience, the owners of Crystal Clean Vents have the experience and skills to provide high-quality vent-cleaning services. Our team provides you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your vents. Contact us now

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