June 10, 2019
10 Ways to Improve Your Allergy Symptoms (Living in Utah)

Temperatures start to rise, the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, and the crisp air is filled with blossom scents, bird sounds and… lots and lots of pollen. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones that can enjoy spring season without sneezes, dry eyes and an itchy throat. Many people living in Utah aren’t that fortunate though. In this blog post we share about allergies in Utah and specifically what is causing your symptoms if you live in the greater Salt Lake City area.
You don’t have to spend your summer and spring feeling miserable. Besides taking allergy medication, there are a few natural solutions to reduce allergy symptoms. Here are 10 ways to improve your allergies symptoms:
1. Know When To Stay Inside
Just as you check your favorite weather app to see what you need to wear today, you can check the pollen counts too. Websites such as the National Allergy Bureau offer daily updates on the pollen count. You can find a 5-day allergy forecast for Salt Lake City here!
If possible, try to stay inside as much as you can if the pollen counts are high. Definitely avoid raking leaves, mowing the lawn, or working in the yard on those days. Mornings and evenings tend to be the time of day when the pollen count is the highest. Usually, some heavy rainfall clears the air and reduces the pollen count for a day or two. This is a great time to do those outdoor activities that you had to postpone during high pollen days!
2. Close the windows and circulate the air in your car
We get it… opening the windows to let that early summer breeze in is so tempting. But this “fresh air” might not actually be as “fresh” as you think. Opening your windows or leaving your door open even for 10 minutes will allow pollen and other allergens to flow into your home, which will then be circulated through for days. This means that your allergy symptoms could be triggered even while you’re in your own home, or when you’re sleeping! That’s not worth it, right?
Close your windows, and tell your guests or family members to quickly close the door behind them. Also remember to flip the air in your car to the “circulating” function, instead of allowing outside air to come into your car. This will actually make your car’s AC more effective too, so it’s a win-win!
3. Wash up when you come from outside
Even when you keep your windows closed, you can still bring pollen into your home. It can get stuck on the clothes and shoes you’ve been wearing outside. If you’ve been working outside, make sure you immediately get changed and take off your shoes as soon as you walk inside. You also want to avoid hanging your clothes out to dry outside, as this will make your garments collect pollen too. This could help decrease the amount of pollen circulating through your home.
4. Clean your air filters
Your allergy symptoms are less when you’re inside, because your indoor air is filtered. You won’t experience this benefit if your air filters are not doing a proper job. Cleaning your vent covering and replacing your air filters are easy and effective ways to make sure you’re breathing in filtered and clean air. Don’t forget about the air filter in your car, especially if your daily commute is more than 30 minutes.
5. Natural Remedies
There are some great natural supplements that can help you fight your allergies symptoms and deal with the discomfort. Your local food store or natural health store will be help to advise you what supplements are right for you. Adding local honey to your smoothies or adding bee pollen to your juice is another great way to help your body familiarize itself with the local pollen, so your immune system won’t go into full attack mode once allergy season comes around. Another tip that might help with your symptoms is switching over to cleaning products that don’t use harsh chemicals or strong scents. Even though these may not be the source of your hay fever symptoms, they can irritate your airways and eyes even more than they already were.
6. Know what you’re allergic to
You may be walking around thinking that you are allergic to the pollen in the air, when it’s actually dust or pet dander that is triggering your symptoms. Ask your General Physician if you can be tested for your specific allergy. This knowledge will prove itself to be incredibly valuable, because you can now focus your energy on removing the specific things that trigger your allergy symptoms!
7. Steam It Up and Rinse it Out
If you have a stuffy or runny nose, a steam bath might do wonders. Just fill a bowl with hot water, put your face a few inches above it while you cover your head with a towel. Take some deep breaths and let the steam work its magic for a few minutes. You can also get a neti pot and rinse out your nasal passages with lukewarm salt water.
8. Hydrate
Besides the fact that tea and soup are kind of like “steam bowls to go”, they are also providing another important tool to fight your allergies: hydration! Especially when you have a post nasal drip or an itchy throat, you will need to drink a lot more. The extra liquid can thin the mucus in your nasal passages and give you some relief. Avoid alcoholic drinks, dairy and caffeine, as these actually have the opposite effect. Sugary drinks are probably not going to be the most helpful either. Broth and soup are great liquids to drink besides water, because you’ll need that salt to keep up on your minerals when you drink a lot of extra water. Don’t forget to add a bit of local honey to your tea; it’s killing two birds with one stone!
9. Wear a mask
Sometimes you simply can’t stay inside on days where the pollen count is high. If you can’t avoid being outside or if you have to do some yard work, consider wearing a mask. You can find a N95 respirator mask at most drugstores. These will block 95% of small particles, including most of the pollen and dust that are aggravating your symptoms. A regular mask or a scarf tied around your mouth won’t filter the air you breathe in nearly as much.
10. Get your air vents cleaned
Your air ducts filtration systems are supposed to keep pollen, dust, and mold from contaminating the air that’s circulating through your home. If the ducts are dirty, they can actually become a breeding ground for allergens. If your air ducts haven’t been cleaned in the last 5 years, or if you’re finding that your allergies symptoms increase after you’ve turn on the heat or AC, it’s most likely time for a thorough air vent cleaning! We’re one of the only air duct cleaning companies in Utah that have a high-powered truck, which means that we can do a more thorough cleaning job than most others. We’d be happy to give you a free estimate, just call us at 801-561-0924 or fill out an inquiry form by clicking the button below.
With these 10 ways to improve your allergy symptoms, you should feel better in no time!
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