May 8, 2020
You Won’t Believe What We Found in the Air Ducts of These Utah Homes: Part 2

As a Utah air duct cleaning that has been in business for over two decades, we have found so many bizarre things during air duct cleanings throughout years. In fact, we have dedicated a whole category to it on our social media. We call it “Freaky Finds,” because you will not believe the objects we found in air ducts and dryer vents in Utah homes!
Every so often, we like to share a few of these crazy, and, yes, sometimes gross things we come across. Today is one of those times. Are you ready for another round of “Freaky Finds?” Let’s go!
Snake skin found in the dryer vent of a Utah home
First up is…SNAKE SKIN! It looks like snakes don’t just hide out in holes and under rocks during the winter; a cozy dryer vent can be an ideal place as well! Be sure to have your dryer vent cleaned at least annually in order to clear out debris (and critters.) Plus, this will increase the effectiveness of your dryer and prevent it from becoming a house fire hazard.
Toxic asbestos tape in a Salt Lake City resident’s air ducts
This might look like harmless construction debris at first, but it is actually toxic ASBESTOS TAPE. We found this tape within the duct work of one of our customers’ homes on the supply side of the duct system, past the filter! This means that there was absolutely no barrier keeping the asbestos particles from being circulated throughout this Utah resident’s home.
Unfortunately, most of the homes in Sugar House and the Avenues have this issue because of when they were built. The good news is, we removed all of the hazardous material and replaced it with metal foil tape. No more breathing asbestos fibers for this family! Give us a call today or fill out an inquiry form on our website and just ask us to check for asbestos tape during your free inspection.
Construction debris from years ago
Remember that home renovation project you tackled a few years ago? Or those major repairs the previous owner of your home handled? Well, it’s very possible there is still construction debris in the air ducts of your home from those projects today. We found the above debris in the air vents of a Utah home that hadn’t had any construction debris done to it in over a decade! So this water bottle from the construction crew and other dirt and dust buildup had been there for at least that long!
We’ve worked in other homes where we found hair and other remnants from previous homeowners and even construction debris from when the homes were originally built. Yikes!
To make sure you and your family aren’t still breathing in particles from past construction projects, give us a call today for a free inspection of your Utah home’s air ducts.
Lint falling out of air ducts and dryer vents
Lint is going to be found in any Utah home that’s lived in, unless somehow your family never falls behind on cleaning and never has to do laundry. If so, please contact us and teach us your ways!
But for the rest of us, dust collecting over time and lint from doing laundry is bound to happen. Without regular dryer vent and air duct cleanings, these particles get trapped in the vents of Utah homes, as seen above. Unfortunately, this dust and lint buildup can be incredibly triggering to Utah residents with allergies.
Additionally, lint blockages in your vents can be a serious fire hazard. Thankfully, here at Crystal Clean Vents, we are able to use professional equipment to clear out any and all debris that would otherwise be a fire hazard for your home.
A Mother’s Day gift for a Utah homeowner hidden in the air ducts of her home
We have been waiting to share this special story with you, and right before Mother’s Day seemed like the perfect occasion. As we cleaned this Utah homeowner’s air ducts, we found something that was stuffed inside the air vents. It was a letter from 1991! It turns out that her daughter hid a letter inside of the air vents, only to be found over 15 years later! You can imagine how this stirred up all the nostalgia and beautiful memories of when her daughter was young, as any parent can probably relate to. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that most of the “Freaky Finds” we discover in people’s air ducts are trash and foreign objects that we cannot wait to discard. This letter is the only Freaky Find that was actually a gift to the homeowner. Happy Mother’s Day to every mom out there, may you be reminded this weekend about how much of a superhero you are!
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