October 21, 2021
7 Reasons You Should Schedule a Furnace Tune-Up

If you’re on the fence about whether or not you should get a furnace tune-up, rest assured: the answer is yes. A furnace tune-up prepares you for winter, keeps your family safe, saves you money on energy and big repairs, maintains the manufacturer’s warranty on your furnace, and improves air quality in your home. What is not to love?
In this blog we’re diving into what a furnace tune-up will actually include, why those things are important, and seven great reasons why you should schedule a furnace tune-up today.
What is a furnace tune-up?
A furnace tune-up is when a professional takes a look at your furnace, cleans it, and assesses it for damage and repairs. This includes testing the safety controls, including the carbon monoxide gauge, and checking for leaks. A furnace tune-up will:
Test: the safety controls, including the carbon monoxide gauge; the service for leaks; the flame sensors; the fan motor capacitor; the voltage.
Clean: the air filters (or replacing them); the coils; the burners; the components; the flame sensors.
Check: the heat exchanger; the belts and pulleys; the air rations; the fuel rations; the electrical components.
If any problems are found, the professional will repair them. Normally, a furnace tune-up takes under two hours. In some cases, new parts may have to be ordered, which could extend the process to another day.
7 Reasons You Should Schedule a Furnace Tune-up
These are the top seven reasons to stop putting it off and just book your furnace tune-up today.
You’ll ensure your family’s safety
The most important reason to get a furnace tune-up is for the safety of you and your family. There are several different ways that your furnace could potentially become dangerous, and a furnace tune-up gives you a chance to spot those problems and prevent them before they become real issues.
One of the biggest potential dangers a furnace tune-up will look for is carbon monoxide leaks. If your furnace is gas-powered, then this toxic gas will be created by the combustion. In a working furnace it is contained and then channeled out of your home so that it never builds up. If there’s a leak, however, there’s the potential for carbon monoxide to build up to dangerous levels in your home. Get a furnace tune-up for peace of mind.
Another concern is a gas leak – again, a furnace tune-up will check for these to catch them before they become dangerous.
You’ll save on energy bills
When your furnace is clean and every component is working well, you don’t have to worry about inefficient energy use because your furnace will be able to heat the house easily.
When a furnace – particularly an older furnace – starts to wear down, it takes more time and energy for it to complete its tasks. When you do the maintenance you need to keep it performing at max capacity, you’re reducing your energy bill in the long term. In short: furnace tune-ups save you money!
You’ll be ready for winter
The last thing you want is a broken furnace in the middle of winter! When temperatures are low, a broken furnace is not only going to cost a pretty penny to fix, but it can also lead to serious damage in your home.
Getting a furnace tune-up in the fall means that you can head into winter confident that you’ll have consistent heating all the way through the months to come.
You’ll keep your furnace warranty
While policies do differ, most furnaces only qualify under their warranty if they’ve had regular checks and repairs. An annual furnace tune-up is going to ensure that your warranty still applies, so that if anything does go really wrong, you’re covered.
Your home will be more hygienic
The cleaning that comes with a furnace tune-up is going to help improve the air quality in your home. A build-up of dirt and dust on your furnace doesn’t just cause maintenance issues. When dirt and grime get on your fan and in your air filter, it can end up flowing through your ducts back out into your home. In the worst cases, an uncleaned furnace can even be a place for mold. (Check out our guide to cleaning your furnace yourself right here.)
You’ll prolong the life of your furnace and HVAC system
Doing small repairs often is so much better than huge repairs after years of build-up, both financially and in terms of the longevity of your appliances. An quick annual furnace tune-up to catch problems and make repairs is far more efficient than a potential replacement that costs thousands of dollars.
More than that, keeping your furnace clean and in good working order is going to make sure that it works right up to the end of its possible lifespan. If you forego furnace tune-ups and let problems compile, you’re going to end up replacing your furnace years before you have to.
You’ll have the chance to get other work done on your HVAC
If you’re having someone take a look at your furnace, why not use this opportunity to tune up the whole HVAC system, too? A furnace tune-up is the perfect time to get your ductwork cleared out, your AC unit looked at, and your vents cleaned. For more information on how to maintain your HVAC system, feel free to check out this blog.
Scheduling a Furnace Tune-Up
Hopefully we’ve convinced you that you don’t need to put off this important aspect of home maintenance anymore. Instead, get your furnace tune-up scheduled for as soon as possible, and consider getting other elements of HVAC care booked in while you’re at it. Reach out for a quote and let’s get your furnace tune-up set up today!
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