April 29, 2021
Recommended Thermostat Settings for Utah Seasons

With a climate as extreme and varied as Utah’s, your thermostat settings are going to change throughout the year. From keeping you cool during the heights of July to warming your home through another snowfall, HVAC systems in Utah work hard. We’ve put together a guide to the recommended thermostat settings for Utah seasons to help you choose the right settings for each time of year.
Why is it important to know what the right thermostat settings are?
Why is it important to know what the right thermostat settings are for each season? Because setting your thermostat to the wrong temperature will have serious effects on your comfort, your utility bill, and even your home maintenance. Knowing when to change your thermostat settings and what to set them to is crucial to responsible homeownership. Here in Utah, we experience a dramatic range of temperatures and weather, so it’s particularly important to know the recommended thermostat settings for Utah seasons.
Recommended Thermostat Settings for Utah Spring
As the winter weather begins to thaw, you’ll begin to notice some fluctuations in temperature day to day. It might be tempting to keep the heat up and stay toasty in this in-between season, but as temperatures outside begin to rise, recommended thermostat settings rise with it.
The recommended thermostat settings for Utah spring are to set the thermostat to 72 degrees. On the bottom range, set your heater to kick in if the temperatures fall below 68 degrees. 68 degrees is also the temperature you should keep your thermostat at for nighttime because you can afford to keep things a little bit cooler when you’re sleeping and under the blankets.
As temperatures continue to heat up, 72 degrees should be the minimum temperature. You might want to consider taking a week or so to raise the temperature setting on your thermostat to ease yourself into the recommended thermostat settings for Utah summer – it might be drastic to change your settings 10 degrees all of the sudden, but doing it gradually will give you and your family time to adjust to the shift.
Incidentally, if you’re changing your thermostat for spring, it’s a great time to do a little spring cleaning. Check out our guide to cleaning your air ducts yourself! Or, of course, you could always give us a call to have your ventilation system professionally cleaned.
Recommended Thermostat Settings for Utah Summer
With the blistering summers Utah is known for – often reaching 100°F and over in the hottest parts of the summer – it’s so important to know the recommended thermostat settings for Utah summertime. If your thermostat settings are too cold, the extreme contrast between the outdoor temperature and indoor temperature will mean that your HVAC system is using vast amounts of energy to cool things down, and your bills will rocket (and the lifespan of your HVAC system will plunge!)
Keep the thermostat temperature too high, however, and not only will you be miserable in your own home, but the intense heat can actually damage your possession and home features.
The best thermostat settings for Utah summer is 78°F when you are at home during the day. This is a safe and comfortable temperature without putting a huge strain on your system or your wallet.
When you are not at home – whether you’re vacationing or out for a long day – you don’t need the temperature to be quite as low in your house. This is a good time to move your thermostat settings up to 85°F.
If you’re looking for ways to save energy, check out our best tips!
Recommended Thermostat Settings for Utah Fall
It takes a while, but eventually, things do start to cool down around here. You can start to prepare for winter by changing your thermostat settings to accustom yourself to cooler temperatures in your home.
The recommended thermostat settings for Utah fall is 68°F to 75°F. Set your heating to kick in when your home falls below 68°F and your air conditioner to begin cooling your home when it begins to rise above 75°F.
Fall is also a great time to clean your furnace and make sure the heating components in your HVAC systems are in top shape – a furnace breaking in the middle of the frequently sub-zero temperatures isn’t fun for anyone. You can read our how-tos for how to clean your furnace here!
Recommended Thermostat Settings for Utah Winter
The heat of Utah summers is matched only by the fierce cold in our winters – so what are the best thermostat settings for wintertime in Utah?
Keeping your home very warm isn’t the best call in the winter months – in fact, the cooler you can keep it, the better. Wear layers around the house and make sure all your windows and doors are sealed properly to help you stay warm.
The recommended thermostat settings for Utah winter are between 68°F and 72°F. 68°F is great as a general rule as a temperature that is comfortable without being too warm, but some people prefer to go up to 72°F when they are spending time at home.
At night, set your temperature to 65°F or lower to help reduce the energy you are using – many people find that it is much easier to fall asleep in cooler temperatures anyway, and your body retains heat at night when you aren’t moving and are under blankets.
We’ve written a guide on recommended thermostat settings for Utah in winter, so for more information, check it out!
Final thoughts on recommended thermostat settings for Utah seasons
There you have it – a guide to recommended thermostat settings throughout the year in Utah. Ultimately, every home and family is different, and you should expect that your own settings will vary slightly from the strict guidelines. As long as you follow the general recommendations – to keep your temperature as high as you can in the summer and as low in the winter, to lower the temperature settings at night, and to remember to change the settings when you leave on vacation – you will be on the right track!
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