October 30, 2019
You Won’t Believe What We Found in These Utah Air Ducts!

Kids are going door to door asking for candy, college students dress up in their craziest costumes and you have probably watched a scary movie or two in the past month. We’d like to contribute with some shiver-evoking photographs. Unfortunately, these are not just scary stories, they really happened! Reader beware, what you’re about to read isn’t for those with a weak stomach.
If air ducts are like the lungs of your home, how do you like the idea of there being a bottle of pee, an old condom wrapper, a dead squirrel or snakeskin hidden inside them? (we told you this was going to be shiver-evoking). These are real-life discoveries that we found in our customer’s air ducts! This might be the grown-up version of Halloween; a real-life nightmare for any Utah homeowner…
1. The unfortunate squirrel
You probably don’t need an in-depth explanation as to why you don’t want a dead rodent in your dryer vents. We can only imagine how bad the smell must have been for the owners of this Utah home before we were able to remove this squirrel from the dryer vent.
2. The unlucky bird
This feathery friend was found in the dryer vent we cleaned out. It’s a good idea to schedule an annual cleaning of your dryer vents in order to clear out any blockage by unwanted objects or animals. Don’t let your dryer vents entomb the pet you never knew you had. Because, all jokes aside, a blockage like this is also a serious fire hazard.
3. A gift from the construction crew
Yes, these cans were found in one of our customer’s air ducts. By the looks of them, they’ve been there for quite some time! This is a great example of why it’s a good idea to have your air ducts cleaned even if your home was recently built; some times construction crews leave stuff behind that you’d rather not have sitting around in your air ducts for years to come!
4. This Trojan horse
In the category “Things You Don’t Want To Find In Your Air Ducts”, this is probably a winner. A used condom wrapper in your air ducts, anyone? No thanks!
5. Unidentifiable object
Want to know what’s worse than identifying a foreign object in the air ducts of your home? Finding an unidentifiable object in the air duct of your home. We found this weird debris during a cleaning, and we’re still not quite sure what it is. Your guess is as good as ours.
6. Snakeskin
Fun fact: A snake’s skin is made of a variety of sizes of scales. The scales near the head are small, while the scales on the underside of their bodies are thick and protect their bodies from the ground. A snake continues to grow throughout its life and periodically sheds its skin as part of its growing process.
Now that’s something that your 9-year old son might be interested in, but you know what’s a lot less fun? Finding this snakeskin INSIDE of your air ducts. Now for someone with ophidiophobia or the extreme fear of snakes, this unpleasant discovery may have been enough to voluntarily set their house on fire. Luckily there were no living snakes found in their air ducts after an extremely thorough cleaning, so the house remains standing.
7. Another gift from a construction crew
Sadly, not everyone has your best interests in mind. That’s what one of our customers came to realize after we pulled this from the air ducts in his newly constructed home. It looks like one of the construction workers went to great lengths to leave a part of himself behind. In case you’re wondering what type of liquid that bottle holds… it’s safe to say that the smell was an undeniable indicator of its contents. We’re just glad the homeowner decided to have us come out to clean his vents right after the construction dust settled, rather than waiting 5-10 years before giving us a call!
We have many more bizarre things that we’ve found during air duct cleanings, but we are much more interested in giving you peace of mind than nightmares.
Contact us today for a free estimate so you can have peace knowing that your air ducts are clean of any dust, debris or freaky finds like these. You can also give us a call at (801) 561-0924
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